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  • Writer's pictureKelly McPhail

The naked truth about draping during massage

Whether I've been seeing a client for years or this is their first ever massage appointment I always say, "Get down to your comfort level."

Comfort level can be anywhere from fully clothed to totally nude.

It literally does not make a difference for me. I can do the work as long as my client is comfortable and feels safe.

Another thing I like to let my clients know is modesty is important to me. Even if they choose to take everything off, they are still covered with the sheet. Think about areas covered when you are in a swimsuit- even if I am working on a client's glutes and abs I will never see or make contact with the areas covered by a suit. I only un-drape the area I'm working on and will double-check to make sure they are comfortable with that. If someone doesn't want their glutes to be exposed, that is not a problem. I can work over the sheet or skip that area entirely- I will not be offended.

Comfort level can change from session to session so I ALWAYS check in. Even if this is your 100th appointment with me I am still going to ask "are you okay if we un-drape to here" because my client's safety and well-being is my top priority.

So no, you never have to be naked during a massage if you don't want to be BUT you will never be fully exposed.

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